
Thetoolbar'spositionislocked,andtheusercannotshowandhidevarioustoolbarsusingthetaskbarcontextmenu.Supportedon:AtleastWindowsServer2003 ...,UnlockorlockthetaskbarinWindows7:enableorpreventmoving/resizing.Onceyouhavemovedthetaskbar(orresizedthetaskbar),youcanlockitto ...,2013年8月8日—Todothis,unlockit,andthendragitbacktoitsoriginalposition.ThisproblemoccursevenifyoudeployaGroupPolicysettingtoloc...

Lock the Taskbar

The toolbar's position is locked, and the user cannot show and hide various toolbars using the taskbar context menu. Supported on: At least Windows Server 2003 ...

Unlock or lock the taskbar in Windows 7

Unlock or lock the taskbar in Windows 7: enable or prevent moving / resizing. Once you have moved the taskbar (or resized the taskbar), you can lock it to ...

Locked taskbar moves to the top of the screen in Windows ...

2013年8月8日 — To do this, unlock it, and then drag it back to its original position. This problem occurs even if you deploy a Group Policy setting to lock the ...

How to Lock and Unlock the Windows 7 Taskbar

2009年10月18日 — To unlock the taskbar, simply remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Lock the taskbar. To Lock the taskbar, simply put a checkmark in ...

4 Ways to Lock the Taskbar

2020年11月19日 — To lock or unlock the Windows taskbar, right-click any blank area on the taskbar, and select Lock the taskbar on the context menu. Lock or ...

How to Lock the Taskbar in Windows

2022年12月27日 — To lock or unlock the Windows taskbar, right-click any blank space on the taskbar and select Lock the taskbar. You'll see a check mark if the ...

How to Lock the Windows 7 Taskbar

Simply right click on the empty space on Taskbar and select the option Lock the Taskbar. Thanks! We're glad ...

RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列

RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列
